Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Writers Chatting: Cliff Burns & Pat Bertram 2

Part two is up now!

Cliff has an interesting view of the future of print publishing:
BURNS: The era of corporate book publishing is coming to an end. Media giants swallowed up various publishers in the 1990’s, hoping to milk them for as much profit as they could. Unfortunately, business models don’t work that well with publishing; book-lovers are notoriously eccentric and eclectic in their tastes and it’s hard to predict or graph or pie chart a bestseller. J.K. Rowling came out of nowhere. Profits are not nearly as high, stable or predictable enough in publishing, which is why I think many of the Big Boys will be dumping their publishing arms in the next 3-5 years. And, as I’ve written, this is the best thing that could happen for readers and writers. Smaller, more intimate and committed publishers will supplant the media giants and better books will be released as a result.

And don’t forget Cliff’s blog.

Previously here:

Writers Chatting: Cliff Burns & Pat Bertram

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