You've sat around, wanting someone who will do things.
Someone who isn't in the pocket of special interests.
Someone with a real record of getting things done.
Someone with principles.
You've sat there and wondered why we don't have another Lincoln or FDR.
Well we do.
And you can vote for him.
Make your vote mean something this November.
Give it to someone who knows its value.
Nader for President 2008 Rally
Friday May 30th 7pm
Ethical Society of Philadelphia
1906 South Rittenhouse Square
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Contribution $10/ $5 Student
Contact (610) 506-5053
Luncheon/ Ballot Access Meeting w/ Ralph Nader
Saturday May 31st 1pm-2:30pm
Princeton, New Jersey
Contribution: $50 donation OR pledge to gather 100 signatures
RSVP (202) 471-5833
Fundraiser with Ralph Nader
Saturday May 31st 5:30-7:00pm
New York, NY
$100-$200 min Contribution
RSVP (202) 471-5833
Nader for President 2008 Rally
Saturday May 31st 7:30pm
Cooper Union
Wollman Auditorium
51 Astor Place (8th St.)
New York, NY 10003
$10 Contribution
Contact (570) 228-0181

Previously here:
The Deserved Fall Of General Motors
Chronicles Of Depression 2.0: #112
Ralph Nader: Activist Presidential Candidate
Why Democrats Lose
Ralph Nader Now Has A Merch Store
East Coast Corporate Liberal
A Civics Quiz
Vote For Ralph Nader To Take Back America!
Ralph Nader: The President We Need
Chronicles Of Depression 2.0: #017
Another Reason To Vote For Ralph Nader
Lincoln, FDR, Nader
Ralph Nader Tomorrow, March 9 2008, In PA
Just Say Yes: To Ralph Nader!
Ralph Nader On The Daily Show Tonight
Weasels, Part Three
Weasels, Part Two
Ralph Nader’s Big Birthday
Exxon Can’t Hide
Happy Birthday, Ralph Nader
To Name Three: McCain, Hillary, Obama
Now I Can Vote This Year: Nader Is IN!
The Presidential Candidate You Laughed At
1 comment:
you have some nice posts! keep it up. Nader/Gonzalez 08!
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