Monday, September 22, 2008

Charlie Stross: eBooks Nailed, Period

Writer Jules Jones in the Comments pointed me to this very interesting post by writer Charlie Stross: Why the commercial ebook market is broken.

I had two reactions:

1) Yes, yes, yes!!!!

2) Why do I bother even writing about the subject any more? It's already been said by others!

But, I'll continue to bang my sometimes foul-worded gavel because as someone once pointed out (paraphrased):
It all has to be said again and again because no one listens the first time!

Like me, those non-listeners might have missed Stross's 2007 post. So maybe they'll encounter one of mine. And go on to read more posts here and finally, Bingo!, be led to Stross.

And then, finally, to doing the right thing for eBooks.

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