Monday, September 15, 2008

Chronicles Of Depression 2.0: #201

I happened upon the CNBC coverage of the Lehman Brothers collapse last night.

My timing was excellent.

I didn't note his name, but one of the people being questioned as an expert said something that caused the host to quickly cut away from him and basically ignore him for the remainder of the time I watched.

He made these points:

1) Lehman Brothers was the fourth-largest firm of its kind in the world

2) It had access to the enhanced short-term loans the Federal Reserve has made available to save financial companies

3) It still failed.

Makes you wonder what's happening at firms #1, 2, 3, 5 ... and so on, doesn't it?

There will be plenty of spin -- read: lying -- about what happened with Lehman.

But those three facts above will stand.

All prior Chronicles of Depression 2.0 posts. Read them before you must.

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