Monday, May 12, 2008

Blog Notes: What's TypePad Like?

Anyone out there who has experience in the three blogging platforms I know about? That is, WordPress, Blogger, and TypePad?

Blogger is not my cup of tea, but it's free. I'm lacking Categories and I see no way to get blog stats or Dashboard notification of Comments left. And you can see the mess it's made of my custom image header.

WordPress has the Smiley Nazi problem. They think they can justify the shit they pull by crying, "It's free!"

TypePad I see I would have to pay for. And of course the only level worth getting runs $150.00 a year! But I also notice that I could post by email. That's an interesting feature to me.

When this blog dies at the end of the year (either here before then or simultaneously here and at Blogger), I'll want a new venue.

I don't think WordPress will ever set things right with me. They're become smug. And smug = FAIL.

I see TypePad has a 14-day free trial, but I don't want to set up something and then decide to go no further. Yeah, I could do a throwaway test blog, but still.

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