Over at ReadWriteWeb is a story about a revolt over at digg (yet again!).
Anyone who's clicked into my growing list of Bookmarks will see that digg is not listed among the aggregators I visit.
I've used reddit -- with increasing irritation (hey, you eejits, your obsession with Ron Paul and "pot liberation" reveals your low IQ and utter naifdom) -- and, randomly and seldomly, a few others.
The one thing I do not and never will use them for is to gauge the popularity of anything.
Nor would I ever try to game them as an ad tool (and to those who've gotten through on reddit with their ads, I have three words for you: die!die!die!).
And anyone who does either of those two should summarily be dismissed from any corporate or consultancy position they have as an "Internet" or "new media" or "social media" "expert."
This is the Internet. Fraud and deception and hidden agendas and post-for-pay are endemic. Anyone who cannot see they are slogging through shit past their ankles on a daily basis is probably someone who needs some cognitive rehabilitation. It's done not just by big name-brand sites, but cheesy little people with low-level blogs eager to get free stuff.
There are very, very few sites I trust (and even those, not totally!). I've written about this before. Since that time, it's gotten even worse.
So this digg revolt? Please. Who cares if some guy with possibly the dumbest damned screen name I've ever seen had his feelings hurt? This is a story?
Near-total corruption is the story. Is anyone bothering to write about that?
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