Monday, May 12, 2008

Miss One Hundred

Here in the English-speaking world, our stories of the weird revolve around things like two-headed snakes or a guy who can suck up a marble and expel it through his ear.

But in Japan ...

Female writer handed all the worst assignments but finally gets ahead (or at least gets head)
The procedure for a deri-heru "session" generally involves disrobing and showering together, followed by a sensual massage and an oral sex session in bed. But this customer made a special request to Yoko.

"Let me go down on you."

Since it required no additional work on her part, she consented.

"He was pretty good at it," she relates. "My boyfriend does me sometimes, but this guy was a virtuoso and he really got me going. But then just when I felt I was going to lose it, he stopped."

Oh you dirty thing. You just know you're going to click that link to read the rest.

Really, do they make this stuff up to astonish the rest of the world?

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