Friday, May 16, 2008

Quote: Peggy Noonan

Pity Party
"This was a real wakeup call for us," someone named Robert M. Duncan, who is chairman of the Republican National Committee, told the New York Times. This was after Mississippi. "We can't let the Democrats take our issues." And those issues would be? "We can't let them pretend to be conservatives," he continued. Why not? Republicans pretend to be conservative every day.

Emphasis added by me.

To reiterate:

When will my fellow Americans wake up to the grand deception being perpetrated against their vital interests?

This is what people who vote Republican think they are upholding:

This is what the hell Republicans actually want:

Wake up before the country is wrecked!

Previously here:

You Bastards Will Hang One Day
Pottersville, U.S.A.

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