Friday, June 6, 2008

Doctor Who: Silence In The Library


A very minor spoiler ahead that won't ruin the story. Be brave. Go ahead and keep reading.

Unlike last week's utter and truly unbelievable disaster, the following episode is a high-IQ thrill!

As you can see, it's written by Steven Moffat, who's going to be the new Executive Producer and lead writer on the next season of Doctor Who.

I didn't go back into the episodes to look at past ones he's done. I was waiting for a new one, to see what he's more recently like.

Damn, he's good.

David Rothman will perhaps despair at the fact that even untold years into the future, people still love the smell of printed books.

I was pleased to learn that in the faraway future, Apple will still exist. Witness the access terminal's keyboard:

This episode has some shocking developments.

One of them was this:

It's the lovely Alex Kingston, who we all watched in the ER TV series seasons ago. She plays someone who has a very special relationship with the Doctor.

Another one is quite a shock:

It's at the end of the episode -- which turns out to be a two-parter! Talk about keeping me on the edge of my seat!!

There's a Philip K. Dick moment in the script. Actually it starts out with one but it's confirmed later on. It's one of those things that sends a thinking brain into spasms trying to figure out. I'm very eager to see how it's resolved.

I'd also like to know if we'll be seeing more of Alex Kingston in the future of the Doctor Who series. Cor, that would really be something!

Hmmm ... I just looked at the Sci-Fi Channel's Doctor Who schedule:

Apparently I'm in the future!

Well, after The Doctor's Daughter, do yourself a favor and skip skip skip the next one. You don't want that one. Really.

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