Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Print Book Publishers: eBook Enlightenment

Shoyoroku - Case 86: Rinzai's Great Enlightenment
Rinzai asked Obaku, "What is the great meaning of the Buddha-Dharma?"

Obaku hit him. This happened three times. Rinzai then took his leave and went to see Daigu.

Daigu asked, "Where have you come from?"

Rinzai said, "From Obaku."

Daigu said, "What did Obaku have to say?"

Rinzai said, "I asked him three times, 'What is the great meaning of the Buddha-Dharma?' and I got his stick three times. I don't know if I was in error or not."

Daigu said, "Obaku was overly gentle like an old grandmother; he completely exhausted himself for your sake. Yet you come here and ask if you were in error or not!"

With these words, Rinzai came to great enlightenment.

Emphasis added by me.

Previously here:

Charlie Stross: eBooks Nailed, Period
Mitch Ratcliffe: eBooks
eBook Pricing 101: The Magic Formula
How Print Publishers Are Killing Writers
Print Book Publishing: DOOMED
DRM = Destroy Remaining Market
Laugh Today, Die Tomorrow, Print Dinosaurs!
eBooks And Pricing
The Print Dinosaurs Will Starve To Death

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