This is what the book tour of the future -- the future being 2009! -- will look like:
Click = big
That's Darren Rowse of ProBlogger doing a special "Christmas party" live streaming videocast via UStream.
What was his big outlay to do it? His existing MacBook Pro! And the connection was via WiFi too!
He was in Australia. There were people all over the world tuning in. One person was from Brazil!
The dying dinosaurs of print have asked: "Well, how can we do an author tour for an eBook? There's no ... um, book for people to bring to a store!"
That's how. The author doesn't go to any store. He goes to where the eBook store is -- the entire Internet.
People can type questions. See and hear the writer respond. No one has to deal with bad weather or bad schedules. And the videos can be archived for people to see again later.
What about autographs? I did that earlier too.
Instead of sending a writer out on bad plane (or train or bus) trips to bad hotels and the mercy of weather, everyone can stay where they are -- the writer at home, the readers at home (or likely stealing bandwidth from work!). It's all win.
The writer can even, if so inclined, show the missus and child:
(Happy holidays, Mrs Rowse!)
Previously here:
Reference: Internet Video Chat
How Our Future Does Things
I Am Internationally Persecuted!
Live jkk & Chippy!
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