He's led some life.
When I was born, the doctor handed me to my mother and said, "Mrs. Ziglar, you have a perfectly fine, healthy baby boy." Nine days later he picked me up and sadly shook his head, indicating that I was dead. Yes, I died when I was nine days old. However, my family has told me that my grandmother walked to me, picked me up, held me in her hands, and started talking to me. Of course, we all know that she was not really talking to me . . and in a matter of seconds breath came back into my body; at age seventy-five it's obvious I lived.
My friends, it's been like that ever since.
-- Zig: The Autobiography of Zig Ziglar by Zig Ziglar; pg. 1
And here's a lesson that was swept aside in the Rush to Greed from the 1980s on ...
Coach Jobie Harris was my history teacher, and in many ways he changed and enriched my life. He taught me more than American history. He once said, "If you have an ability that goes beyond providing for your own needs, you have a responsibility to use that ability to reach down and help those up who do not have that capacity. As a matter of fact, if you don't reach down and help lift up those less fortunate, the day will come when due to sheer weight of numbers, they will reach up and pull you down."
-- Zig: The Autobiography of Zig Ziglar by Zig Ziglar; pg. 71
Emphasis added by me.
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