A husband whose wife was beaten up by robbers during a raid on their home has vowed to get revenge if they meet again.
Graham Eaton, who was also pistol-whipped by the thugs, told how the couple were held at gunpoint in their £750,000 converted barn and warned they may be killed.
Mr Eaton's terrified wife, Lesley, had a knife held to her throat and the butt of a pistol smashed into her eye during the half-hour ordeal at their home in Wimborne, Dorset.
He was struck on the head with a handgun, tied up and beaten about the legs with a baseball bat.
The couple were convinced they were going to be tortured and killed until Mrs Eaton faked a heart attack and the three thugs fled.
Now Mr Eaton, who runs a successful horticultural business, has vowed to get revenge on their attackers.
He said: 'I can look after myself but I will never forgive them for what they did to my wife.
'I just want to get revenge for that and want to meet them man to man and see what they're really made of.
'I would kill them and I know I'm capable of doing that to them and I've told the police that.
'They are scum of the earth and should be exterminated - we are quite robust but what they did would kill someone fragile and older than us.'
Graham Eaton should be the next Prime Minister.
He'd sort out the shit I see daily in the horrifying headlines I get from England.
I'm telling you, if England goes under, we all do.
Previously here: -- points back to WordPress blog (for now)
England Needs Serious Sorting Out
This Smells Like … Hope
Happy Veteran’s Day 2008?
Writer Melanie Phillips: The Multicult Cult
England: Land Of The Doomed West
Writer Melanie Phillips
You’ve Been Google-Burgled!
What’s Up In England?!
Smile U Dumbo
Sick England: Happy Slapping
Disintegrating England: Soldiers Go Hungry!
England Continues To Fall
But They’ve Given Murdoch Great Footage!
You Decide: Greed Or Stupidity?
Bloody England
England: You Can Die For Nothing There
England Continues To Sink
Degenerate England
Britain: The Lion Stirs?
England Slides Into National Insanity
England Goes Totally Off Its Nut
England: The Coming Explosion
Britain’s Last Man
Britain Commits Suicide — Again!
Dark Future
Hey! I’m Not Homeless! I’m A Geek!
Cue My Blog’s Title Picture…
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