Friday, July 18, 2008

The Return Of The Segway?!

I never expected this. Engadget has reported (last month; shut up, I'm testing Pressflip, dammit!) that Segway sales have gone up as gas pump prices have risen.

There's a CBS News article too.

And Segway itself has launched a Segway Social site.

I was at the NYC introduction of the Segway (I have pictures hidden somewhere ... no, I couldn't find them today; at least I don't think so; now I've gone and tempted myself, goddammit). I got to ride one. I have never experienced anything like it except when I've had dreams about being able to fly. It's like flying while standing up!

Still, I have my heart set on one of these, not a Segway. Of course, should they ever cut the damned price of a Segway from $5,000 down to a reasonable $2,000 or so, that could change.

I've seen three Segways in New York City. But that was within the first year of its introduction. After that time, I haven't seen a single one. It makes me wonder what happened to those three!

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