Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Max Barry: Syrup

Another from my LifeDrive. This one especially for our (oh so fleeting!) Top Post of the Day subject: Gekko, who needs to read, you know, these things called books.
"She's such a bitch," Tina says, which I find a little contradictory, but overall quite true. "She's got to be in charge of everything."

I sit near to her. "Well, I guess. But in business, that's leadership."

Tina stares at me for a second. "I can't believe you consider that a positive trait. How about her inability to accept other points of view? Is it good leadership to be narrow, too?"

"Focus," I say. "They call that focus."

Tina stares at me. "Her paranoia?"

"Business savvy."

"Compulsive need to have everything just how she wants it?"

"Organizational skills."


"Aggressiveness," I say, "is already a good thing."

"Jesus Christ," Tina says, her eyebrow ring glinting in the morning sun. "Sometimes I worry about this country."

[pgs. 162-163]
[Copyright © Max Barry 1999]

By the way, at one time Barry thought he'd be clever and add a second X to his first name. He dropped that.

Max Barry website

Previously here:

Writer Max Barry Gives A Laugh
Free Short Story From Max Barry

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