Monday, August 18, 2008

Quote: Michelle Gagnon

Losing the Lottery (or: Publishing the Hard Way)
A few years ago, when I had just begun my search for a literary agent, I attended one of Michael Chabon’s readings. During the Q & A session afterward, I asked how he had gone about getting published. He responded, “Gee, it was really easy. My grad school professor passed my manuscript along to an agent, there was a bidding war, then a year later it was on the shelves.”

And at that moment right there, I experienced my first murderous impulse. Michael is a very nice man and an amazing writer, but that’s the publishing equivalent of winning the lottery.

Go and read the rest.

It's a great post about writing and publishing.

If you haven't paid attention, this is the second post today featuring Michelle. The first: Sony Reader Gets Truth And Love

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