Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Two Interesting Posts By Rustin Wright

Rustin Wright stopped by and left a Comment. Whenever someone has an URL associated with their ID, I check it out.

On his blog From Streetcars To Spaceships, are two interesting posts.

Check out the killer lead para in this one:

Is there still a Williamsburg?
Back when the G.I.s of World War II were still drifting back into civilian life in the late forties a bunch of smart fuckups, like a Columbia University football player named Kerouac, started hanging out in New York City. Going to jazz clubs, writing awkward but ambitious scraps of poetry. Drinking a hell of a lot and hanging out with young theater types like my mother. These men were the Beats. They created great work in amidst their drinking and screwing and thieving and lying. And little by little their wanderings got broader and their fame started to oppress them and, usually, their work got worse. Most of them died young of stupid destructive things like alcoholism and freezing on the train tracks, strung out on drugs. The kind of deaths that only seem romantic to those of you who have never had to share your home with a heroin addict and check your pants pockets each morning to make sure that nothing has been stolen.

And then on a tech note:

The iPhone needs a better virtual keyboard. Now.
I'm so very close to buying an iPhone but one thing is holding me back. I can't work on a device where the keyboard obscures over half of the screen. I need a device I can write with. Articles like this. Web pages. Pocket guides. Things that involve hundreds or even thousands of words and that I can do just fine on a small screen if I can bloody well see what I'm writing.

I don't know if that's something Apple would let someone muck about with, like coders can with Windows Mobile. We'll have to see. In the meantime, I'm sure he's seen MagicPad. I still don't know what kind of a solution that is. Can text in it be emailed or synced? Gotten out of the iPhone in any way? Stan Lau over a Gear Diary wrote an entire post on his iPhone. Now there's some determination!

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