Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Norm Cowie: Free Book Excerpts

This is from The Adventures of Guy
The thought was, What is that?

The ‘that’ I was trying to identify was something we had not heard in the three years of rooming together.


Not only silence, but a huge silence. One of those silences so huge that it had its own echo. I was hearing silence, and then its echo. Silence squared.

A shiver went down my back.

Then it came back up my back.

It took a turn or two around my chest, and my nipples hardened from fear, anxiety, surprise, and some unexplained emotion I’d rather not explore.

That's just a brief bit I can quote easily.

The real funny action is at the beginning of the excerpt. I laughed and laughed!

He also has a posting at The Life of a Publisher: Wish I was funny!

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